Join Us in Welcoming Jón Olafson
For 37 years (35 in ×ö°®É«ÇéƬ), Tammy has dedicated her professional career to championing students with additional needs and supporting their families. Her tenure in student services has been distinguished by a commitment to eliminating barriers for all students, especially those from equity-seeking groups. Through her advocacy and unwavering dedication, she has profoundly influenced our division, inspiring others to prioritize students in every aspect of our work.
While we’re sad to see Tammy go, we’re delighted to announce the appointment of Jón Olafson as our new assistant superintendent—student services effective July 1, 2025.
Jón, currently serving as the director of student support services in Winnipeg School Division, brings a wealth of experience to his new role as assistant superintendent of student services. His leadership in divisional program development and systemwide change has strengthened student services practices, promoted appropriate educational programming, and advanced safe schools procedures. Jón’s expertise will allow him to build on the strong foundation being left by Tammy.
With over 22 years in education as a classroom teacher, school counsellor, university instructor, consultant, and director, Jón brings insight and knowledge that will continue to help staff and students reach Mino-Pimatisiwin—The Good Life.
Please join us in congratulating Jón as he embarks on this exciting new chapter in his career.
Colleen Carswell Sandra Herbst
Chair, Board of Trustees Superintendent/CEO