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Boys and Girls Club

The Boys and Girls Club meet three times per week at Polson School. Two of those days are dedicated to the POWER UP program which focusses on teaching academic skills in a fun hands-on way. The third day is a DROP IN DAY with all kinds of fun acitivies that children participate in. Attendance at all programming is free of charge but permission forms must be signed.

The Breakfast Club

The breakfast club is run by volunteers from our community three times per week at Polson School. Students are served a nutricious breakfast and get the chance to socialize with each other and the adults running the program. There is no admission fee but permission forms must be signed.

Munroe Early Childhood Education Centre (ECEC)

Polson school cooperates with Munroe ECEC to provide on-site before and after school care for school age children. The director, Melanie Fraser, can be reached at 793-7626.

Athletic Programs

Polson School runs a full slate of athletic programs. Intramurals run at recess and lunch and interschool sports including track and field, running, volleyball, basketball and badminton run throughout the year.


Every student at Polson School becomes a member of one of four villages, Grey Wolves, Purple Pirahnas, Yellow Lightning Bolts and Teal Seals. Village include students of all ages who score points for thier villages when they participate in school activities. Monthly assemblies are held to recognize accomplishments by villagers.

Social Responsibility

Every student is placed in a mixed-age group. Each cycle the groups get together and talk about an issue that is relevant to learning about being a socially responisible person. Lessons are locally produced by teachers and are geared to address current concerns in the school.


At Polson we believe in assembling together to have common experiences. There are regular student run assemblies for events like Remembrance Day, Unity Tree, and Year of the Drum. Parents and community members are welcome to join us at these assemblies.

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