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Welcome to our school library

At Radisson School, all classroom teachers have the opportunity to collaboratively plan, teach and rad-library.928a865397.pngassess research units with the teacher-librarian. Research skills and information technology are integrated into an information literacy program designed to allow all students to learn to think rationally and creatively, to solve problems, to manage and retrieve information and to communicate effectively to become independent users of information.


  • Ms. L. Smolinski - Teacher Librarian
  • Ms. Vicky Penner - Library Technician

Library Hours

8:45 a.m. - 3:25 p.m. 

Lending Policies

Books are borrowed on a 6-day cycle basis. 

Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students are entitled to sign out one book per library class, while grades 3, 4, and 5 are entitled to sign out two books per library class. 

The students are taught at the beginning of the year that the library is a place of respect. Use of the library is a privilege and students are responsible for the items that they sign out.  Materials are expected to be returned on time, and in the same condition they were in when they left the library. Replacement costs for damaged or lost books will be issued, if the situation arises. 

Replacement costs for lost/damaged books:

New to the collection (added in the last 12 months)                       -full replacement cost

Older Hardcover books                                                                   -$10

Older paperback books                                                                   -$5

Magazines                                                                                       -$2

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