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School Hours

  • Morning classes 8:50–11:45 a.m.
  • Recess 10:20–10:35 p.m.
  • Lunch 11:45 a.m.–12:45 p.m.
  • Afternoon classes 12:45–3:25 p.m.
  • Recess 1:55–2:10 p.m.

Teachers are on supervision duty from 8:45–8:55 a.m. and all recesses. Students should not arrive at school before 8:45.

School Day Cycle

The school timetables are set on a 6-day cycle rather than Monday to Friday. Teachers' professional development and administration days are counted on the cycle—statutory holidays are not. The 6-day cycle calendars can be found on the École Sun Valley School website under the Documents & Forms menu.


All students have a 15 minute recess in the morning and the afternoon. When outdoor recess is cancelled, due to inclement weather, arrangements are made for indoor recess.

Call Back Policy

This program monitors the attendance of students at our school. It is a way of ensuring that students who have left for school have arrived safely. If your child is going to be absent from school, please call the school in advance or between 8:30 and 8:55 in the morning, or between 12:15 and 12:45 in the afternoon. If a child is absent and we have not been informed, the school will contact the parent.

Weekly News

The Weekly News provides a calendar of school events to help parents plan accordingly.  Each Friday, the Weekly News is emailed to parents which highlights upcoming events and activities.

Lost and Found

Parents should ensure that all supplies, equipment and clothing are clearly labelled with the child's name. Students are discouraged from bringing toys and jewelry to school. The school cannot be responsible for personal articles that are lost or damaged. There is a lost and found box located by the south entrance to the school. Please encourage your children to check the box periodically to retrieve lost articles. At the end of each term (after conferences) unclaimed articles are donated to a charitable organization.


All parents are asked to report to the office when picking up their children early for appointments. Please email your child(ren)'s teacher and sv@retsd.mb.ca if your child(ren) are being picked up. All parents and guardians are asked to wait for their child(ren) in the front foyer until the dismissal bell at 11:45 a.m. and 3:25 p.m.

Updating Personal Information

Please provide the school with any changes in business, home, babysitter or emergency phone numbers. Also please notify us of any change of address.


Assemblies are held to recognize special occasions. These assemblies give students an opportunity to build community through presentations and performances on holiday themes and special topics. Parents are welcome to attend these assemblies.


Visitors to the school are required to report to the school office first where a sign-in /sign-out log is kept.  Parents and guardians are asked to pick up students at the front office rather than from classrooms during the school day.

Lunch Rules

The Sun Valley Lunch Bunch Program would appreciate your co-operation in having your child(ren) follow the expectations and routines listed below.

Students are to be respectful to each other and staff and to comply with all reasonable requests quickly and without argument.

  1. Students are expected to sit while eating or drinking. Talking (indoor voices) is acceptable but loud noises, running or  shouting is unacceptable for a lunchroom.
  2. Attendance will be taken daily. Full time students must have a permission note from parents in order to leave the school. Students are expected to clean up after eating and take out a quiet activity.
  3. Students are to remain at their seats during this time. A bell at 12:05 indicates that it is time to clean up and prepare to go outside. Students are dismissed to the outdoors at 12:10.
  4. Students will leave the school promptly and ask permission to re-enter the building during the break. Students must remain on the school grounds.
  5. Students spend from 12:10 until 12:45 outdoors, so it is important that they be dressed for the weather. All rules pertaining to our "hands off" policy must be followed during this time.

Lunch Program- Sun Valley School Lunch Bunch

The lunch program is overseen by the Sun Valley Lunch Bunch Committee, which is comprised solely of parent/guardian volunteers who have children registered in the lunch program. Supervision of the students is provided by a paid staff of lunchroom supervisors and a coordinator. Each student staying for lunch MUST register. Full-Time registration fee for Grades 1-5 is $166.00 per year per child and $90.00 per child for Kindergarten. The registration fee is non-refundable.  Cheques are recommended for payment since cash can get misplaced. Make cheques payable to the "Sun Valley Lunch Bunch". A child that has not registered for the lunch program but needs to stay on an emergency or casual basis is required to pay $3 per day. Always remember to put your child's name, grade and room number on any correspondence to the lunch program.

Hot Lunch Days - Munchalunch

Hot lunch days are held once a month at École Sun Valley School. It is a special day accomplished with help that we receive from our parent advisory council and parent volunteers. Munchalunch website has been designed so parents can create a log in and order hot lunch for their child(ren). Hot lunch days not only provide a treat for the children, but also benefit each of your children as a fundraiser.

Field Trips

Each class is likely to go on several field trips during the school year. Notices and permission click is sent to families for each trip.

School Attire

Clothing appropriate for elementary school is expected on regular school days. Clothing that depicts inappropriate messages is not acceptable. Short shorts, halter tops and other revealing clothing should not be worn in school. Students are expected to dress appropriately for the weather keeping in mind that outdoor recess is an important activity at this level. Upon entering the school, headgear (i.e.. hats, hoodies, bandannas) should be removed. Students are required to wear indoor shoes at all times. Please avoid purchasing black soled runners as they leave scuff marks on our floors.

General Supervision

The Sun Valley staff makes every effort to ensure the safety of its students. Parent volunteers also assist us in supervising activities. Teachers supervise the school yard during morning and afternoon recess. Supervision is provided for lunch program students only from 11:45 - 12:45 p.m. On the playground it is expected that students will behave in a safe and co-operative manner.

Professional Development

Each year the staff of Sun Valley, both individually and as a whole staff, attend workshops and other professional learning opportunities designed to update information on curriculum, best practices,  programs and services.

School Supplies

The school asks that parents submit a student fee that will be used for the purchase of school supplies. The intent is to buy supplies in bulk & thereby reduce the costs for parents.  Student agendas, backpack, gym clothes and indoor non-marking running shoes is still the parents' responsibility.

Report Card/Parent -Teacher Conferences

Teachers are continually assessing and evaluating the progress of their students. Evaluation is based on the student's work, teacher observations & discussion.  The progress will be formally reported to parents in November, March and June by report card. Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled to coincide with the November and March reporting periods and requires the students attending the conference. Portfolios are developed by the child to profile their learning on the term.  Students will identify their learning strengths and weaknesses and set goals for each term.  Informal contact between parents and teachers can and should take place at any time throughout the year as needed or requested. Parents are encouraged to call their child's teacher if they have any questions or want to set up a meeting. Two-way communication between home and school is essential for student success.

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