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Welcome To Our School Library

Welcome to the library and to our program of information literacy. We believe that everylibrary-makeover-collage.8c1a405542.jpg student should have the skills necessary to navigate in today's information-rich society.  Determining information needs, recognizing and selecting appropriate resources-whether print or online and managing the information are fundamental skills needed for successful academic research.


  • Mrs. B. Kauk, Library Technician - Days 1, 3, 5
  • Mrs. L. Falconer, Teacher-Librarian - Days 2, 4, 6

Library Hours

8:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.

Program Description

Throughout the year, each homeroom takes part in at least one inquiry-based learning (IBL) unit which is collaboratively planned and taught by Mrs. Falconer and the classroom teacher.  The units are curriculum-based and reinforce writing, thinking and research skills while using print and non-print resources and technology in meaningful ways.

Each homeroom is scheduled to visit with Mrs. Kauk for library once every 6-day cycle.  During this class, students are introduced to a variety of literature and then spend time searching for, selecting and signing out books.

To help inspire a love of reading and learning in our students, the library offers a variety of extra-curricular opportunities at lunch.  Book fairs and contests are also organized throughout the year.

Lending Policies

Students borrow books once every 6-day cycle.  Students may borrow two books at a time as long as all books previously borrowed have been returned.  Students may renew a book once as long as other students have not reserved the book.  Students are responsible to care for the books they have borrowed.  Families are responsible for the cost of lost or 'damaged beyond repair' books.  A refund will be given to families who find and return a lost book.

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