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Westview School offers the English language curriculum from Kindergarten to Grade 5.

The English language program is enhanced through a wide variety of extra-curricular experiences such as field trips, assemblies, guest speakers, and cross-grade sharing opportunities.

Our programming focuses on:

  • Language Arts
  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • Social Studies
  • Basic French (Gr. 4-5)
  • Music
  • Art
  • Physical and Health Education

Note: Permission forms are required to participate in the potentially sensitive outcomes of the health curriculum.

With the support of the parent council and through a grant from the early years consultant a well-stocked reading lab serves our home reading program. The implementation of the Home Reading Program serves to strengthen our emphasis on literacy and to guide parents when assisting their children at home. Also with the support of the superintendent's department we are able to program and implement initiatives specific to our Aboriginal population and the population as a whole with respect to learning and behaving initiatives.

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