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Mission Statement

At Emerson School, we believe in quality education for all students in a safe, responsible and respectful learning environment where individuals, their efforts, and achievements are valued. 

Our School

Emerson School was built in 1979 as a community school to provide school-linked services to a residential neighbourhood in the northeast part of Winnipeg. A time capsule was made and sealed behind the cement block (dated 1979) near the front entrance. This time capsule was opened at the 25th anniversary celebrations in June 2004. 

A beautiful mural on the east wall of the school was commissioned by the Emerson Advisory Council to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the school. The mural, by local artist Bev Bedford, depicts two children sitting beneath a tree with the message Give Your Child Just Two Things. One is roots, the other wings.  The east field has a community fitness trail, a baseball diamond and two soccer fields that are used extensively for community sports. The schoolyard also houses a swing set and two large play structures provided through funds raised by the Emerson Advisory Council for school and community use. The play structure on the Emerson Avenue side is wheelchair accessible.

Our current enrolment in kindergarten to Grade 5 is approximately 200 students. Emerson has 13 full-time equivalent professional staff, which includes classroom teachers, specialists in library, music, physical education, resource and the principal. In addition we have several Educational Assistants (EA's), a half-time library technician, a full time secretary, and four custodial staff.

The School as a Safe, Respectful and Inclusive Place

The Emerson School community believes that it is important to have open communication within a safe caring and respectful environment. To this end, we follow the River East Transcona School Division’s Code of Conduct, which can be found on the division's website at retsd.mb.ca. The Code of Conduct describes the rights and responsibilities of students, staff and parents. In partnership with parents, we believe that our primary role is to teach students caring and respectful behaviour.

At the beginning of each year, students are taught behavioural expectations from the school's Behaviour Matrix. Through assemblies and day to day teachings, students are learning how to Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Safe at Emerson School. We also promote responsible citizenship through service and giving to others. As an entire community, we reach out to others through fundraising for the Terry Fox Foundation, United Way, Winnipeg Harvest, Christmas Cheer Board, Siloam Mission and other community charities.

Our school pledge is:

  • I will be prepared and do my best.
  • I will be kind, courteous and cooperative.
  • I will be respectful of myself and others.
  • I will act in a safe and responsible manner.
  • I will have fun!

Our school priorities are as follows:

  • Enhance student performance in the area of Literacy/Numeracy
  • Enhance student performance through a respectful, safe and responsible school culture
  • Enhance student awareness in the area of Sustainability

Our work in these priority areas centers on the following outcomes;

  • Students will improve their academic achievement in the area of literacy and numeracy through authentic and appropriate instruction paying close attention to differentiating and adapting instruction for struggling learners.
  • All students will be taught the behavioural expectations within the Emerson School Behavioural Expectation Matrix which will result in an increase in positive behaviours and a decrease in negative behaviours.
  • Students will develop an understanding of how to live in a sustainable manner.

Our Students

At Emerson School, students are the focus for everything that we do. We provide a wide range of experiences and learning opportunities to develop thinking and reflection, reading and writing in all curricular areas, citizenship and social responsibility within a safe, caring and respectful school culture. There is a student leadership program and as well student leadership is promoted through patrols, student-led assemblies, and other opportunities. Student voice and student involvement is developed through our service to others in service projects and in school wide initiatives. 

Parents in the School

At Emerson, we believe that a strong link between teachers and parents is essential to student success. We promote a proactive reciprocal approach in communicating information between home and school about a student’s academic, social and emotional well-being. Notes about activities or special events are communicated to parents through letters home, email, and the Emerson School website. General information about the school is sent home through weekly email updates. At the beginning of the school year, we welcome parents/guardians to our annual open house which is a wonderful opportunity to find out more about the school and its' community. 

Parents are encouraged to volunteer at Emerson. Teachers ask parents to volunteer in a variety of ways including listening to children read, assisting with field trips, photocopying materials for students, assisting with the library, etc. We have a hot lunch program occurring monthly and canteens at tournaments and special events run by volunteer parents. Any time a parent is available to assist is greatly appreciated. Parents in the school help to strengthen the school-home link, improving communication between student, parent and teacher.

The Emerson Advisory Council is dedicated to the education and well-being of the students. The EAC’s primary mandate is to promote effective communication between home and school. The EAC encourages parents to participate in meaningful educational activities and decision-making, to strengthen the role of families in education and schooling and to foster meaningful parent participation. The EAC meets eight times per year in the school library. The Emerson School Advisory council chair can be reached by leaving a message at the school.

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