Our Mission Statement
At Emerson School, the staff, students and parents believe in quality education for all students in a safe, respectful, responsible and challenging learning environment where individuals, their efforts and achievements are valued.
Our Code of Conduct
The Emerson School community believes that it is important to have open communication and a safe and caring environment. To this end we follow the , which is distributed to each family in September. At the beginning of each year, we teach the students about our school pledge and behavioural expectations. Our school pledge is:
- I will be prepared and do my best.
- I will be kind, courteous and cooperative.
- I will be respectful of myself and others.
- I will act in a safe and responsible manner.
- I will have fun.
This code of conduct applies to all members of the Emerson community. We use this code to teach and encourage positive behaviour.
School Hours and Schedule
Emerson operates on a 6-day cycle. Days are designated 1 – 6 and do not follow the calendar days of the week. Teachers’ in-service days are counted on the cycle; statutory holidays are not. The daily schedule is:
- 9:25 a.m. - Entry bell
- 10:50-11:05 a.m. - Morning recess
- 12:15-1:10 p.m. - Lunch hour
- 2:25-2:40 p.m. - Afternoon recess
- 3:55 p.m. - Dismissal bell
Early Dismissal / Professional Development Days
Students will also be dismissed 45 minutes early six times during the school year. Dismissal on those days will be at 3:10 p.m. Staff is also involved in various professional development activities considered priorities by our school and school division. Please watch the school newsletter for the exact dates.
We have a "call back system" in place to help ensure the safety of our children. We ask that parents/guardians notify the school each time a child is going to be absent or late.
- Call Back Procedure: Please call the school (669-4430) and speak to the secretary or leave a message on the answering machine. Include: name of child, name of person calling, name of homeroom teacher, reason for absence, date, time and length of absence. Our answering machine is on from 4:15 p.m. to 8:15 a.m.
Appointments / Picking Up Your Child / Dismissal Arrangements
Parents are asked to make appointments for their children outside of school hours as much as possible. Students who must leave school early for medical, dental appointments, etc. are required to bring a note from a parent/guardian to their classroom teacher. Parents picking up their child for an appointment during the school day are asked to meet their child at the office and to sign out their child so the school can account for all students.
Please keep dismissal time arrangements as routine as possible. Should a change be necessary, please send a written note to the teacher or call the school office. If your child will not be taking the bus, please call Transportation at 204 669-0202.
Bicycles / Skateboards / Scooters / Roller Blades
If bicycles are brought to school they must be locked in the bike racks near the field. However, the school cannot assume responsibility for loss or damage of such items. Skateboards/scooters/roller blades are not permitted at school.
Cell Phones/Electronic Communication And Other Devices
According to divisional policy, student use of cell phones and other electronic communication devices are not permitted in the school or on school property for students in K to Grade 5 unless directed by the teacher/school.
Community Connection
Emerson believes in a strong connection between school, home and community. We encourage family participation in your child’s education and we support the development of literacy and health in our community.
Concern Protocol
From time to time parents/guardians may have questions or concerns about decisions made by school personnel. The following divisional process is to be followed to ensure effective and efficient communication between school personnel and parents/guardians. The first step is to contact the school personnel directly involved (the classroom or specialist teacher) and ask to speak to him/her or arrange a meeting to discuss your concern or question. If you require further support please contact the principal.
Dress Code
Students are asked to wear clothing that is appropriate for learning and does not interfere with the educational process. Hats and jackets are considered outside attire and are not to be worn in the school. Common sense standards of appropriateness prevail. At Emerson this means that the following are not appropriate: make-up, skimpy clothing, exposed underclothing, bare mid-riffs, and any items depicting offensive language, graphics or messages. Footwear (with non-marking soles) needs to be worn at all times for safety. All children are asked to have an inside pair of runners which can be left at school for inside and physical education activities. Running shoes with wheels are not permitted for indoor shoes as they could pose a safety risk and can leave permanent marks on the floors. Wheeled shoes may be used for outdoor shoes as long as the wheels are not in place. Students must wear shorts, runners and a cool top for all gym activities. Please label all articles of clothing to assist in returning them should they be misplaced.
Entry And Dismissal
Supervision occurs from 9:10-9:25 am. For safety reasons, students should not arrive at school before 9:10. Students are expected to wait outside until the bell rings. If the temperature with windchill is –27 C or below, students will be asked to come inside to wait for the bell. Our bells for entry ring at 9:25 a.m. and 1:10 p.m.
At the bell, students are expected to enter in a quiet, orderly fashion, take off their outdoor boots/shoes, hang their outer clothing neatly in their designated coat areas and proceed quietly to their class. At 12:15 pm. and 3:55 p.m. students are expected to leave the building quickly and quietly through the assigned exits and go straight home or to the arranged caregiver. Students are allowed to remain in school after dismissal times only if (a) requested to stay by their teacher or (be) participating in an extra-curricular activity. Children will not be kept in after 12:15 p.m. or 3:55 p.m. unless a parent, guardian or caregiver has received prior notification or a phone call on that day. Children who are coming to school for extra-curricular activities before school hours should come into the school and meet the supervising teacher in the designated area.
Evaluation/Report Cards And Parent Conferences
Assessment of student progress in all subjects is conducted on a continuous basis throughout the year, using a variety of sources, i.e.: daily assignments, projects, classroom observations, and tests. The achievements reflected on the report card are a summary of the progress made during the reporting period. Report card marks represent the subject marks for each term. Students in K – 5 are evaluated on a scale of 1 – 5.
Emerson students will receive a report card three times during the school year (November, March and June). Student-Parent-Teacher conferences will take place after the November and March reports have been sent home. Subsequent conferences can be arranged by request.
Student Assessment
At Emerson Elementary, students receive formal progress reports three times a school year. Summative reporting (assessment of learning at the end of each term) occurs in November, March, and June. Formative assessment (assessment throughout the learning cycle) takes place all year with regular feedback provided to students and parents. Our Grade 3 students take part in the provincial Reading and Numeracy Assessment.
Our assessment practices follow the ×ö°®É«ÇéƬ policy on Assessment IKA which identifies the following principles:
- supports and reflects curricular outcomes.
- engages students.
- focuses on “what” and “how” students learn.
- recognizes all educational achievement.
- is part of effective learning and teaching.
- involves students, parents and teachers working collaboratively together.
- is an on-going, systematic process.
- is balanced and multi-faceted.
- respects the dignity and reflects the developmental needs of learning.
- is equitable and fair.
- is a key professional skill.
Our school has an assessment leadership team whose mandate is to focus on sharing and implementing information around divisional and provincial priorities on assessment.
Parents are their children’s first and most influential teachers. Research shows that where parents are actively involved, student performance is improved, student attitudes and self-concept are more positive, and parents are more understanding of school issues. By working together, parents and teachers stimulate the child’s intellect and imagination, enhance self-esteem, teach good work habits, and provide motivation for the child to become a responsible life-long learner.
Homework has 3 main purposes; to reinforce the learning students have done in school, to develop positive work habits and to enhance student achievement.
Student’s Role:
- to responsibly complete assigned homework
- to return homework to school
- to ask for assistance when needed
Parent’s Role:
- to make homework time a routine
- to check that homework is completed to the best of the child’s ability
- to communicate with teachers when necessary
Teacher’s Role:
- to assign and explain homework to students
- to review work at school and to ensure that homework is done correctly
- to communicate with parents when necessary
In general, the amount of homework is relative to the child’s grade and usually follows the “10 minutes per grade” guideline. The assigning of the type and amount of homework is the responsibility of the teacher and is based upon the needs of the child and the subject matter. Parents with any questions are encouraged to talk to their child’s teacher.
Emerson Advisory Council
The Emerson Advisory Council (EAC) is dedicated to the education and well-being of the students of Emerson School. The EAC promotes effective communication between home and school by fostering meaningful parent and family participation in educational activities and decision-making. Evening meetings take place regularly throughout the year and are held in the school library. Exact dates are in listed in the school newsletters. All parents are encouraged to attend these meetings. It is an excellent way to become involved with the school and your child's education.
Family Courier
The school prefers to send out information electronically, however we realize that this is not always possible. When information/correspondence is sent home we use a family courier system. The designated courier is the youngest child in each family.
In the interest of safety for all of our students, we ask that cars do not enter the school parking lot. Please note the NO STOPPING signs at two points on Emerson Ave. in front of the school to ensure safe crossing with patrols. NO PARKING -LOADING signs are posted on Emerson Ave. in front of the school and on Glenway Ave. This means that you may leave your vehicle briefly to escort your child into the school or to sign them out in the office. We ask that as much as possible you “drop and go” and that cars do not block the pathways in winter to ensure that children can exit from the car safely. Please also respect the HANDICAPPED parking zone.
School Mascot
Our school mascot is the Emerson Eagle. Our mascot represents vision and strength and was chosen and designed by Emerson students. This year the students had a contest to name the Emerson Eagle and his name is "Eddie".
Student Placement
The principal in consultation with the child’s teacher will make student placement. Decisions are made in the best interests of the child with careful consideration of many factors including, academic achievement and social and developmental needs, to assist in creating the best possible learning environments.
Toys / Electronic Games, Devices
Students are asked to leave toys, electronic games, MP3, Ipod players etc. at home to avoid damage or loss. The school cannot be responsible for valuable items such as these.
Volunteer Program
Emerson encourages parents to be involved as volunteers in the school. Staff and students value your assistance. In keeping with divisional policy, all volunteers are required to complete a Child Abuse Registry check and to sign a Pledge of Confidentiality. Volunteers are asked to sign in and out in the office and to wear a volunteer lanyard while helping at the school. The lanyard will help the students to identify who the volunteer is in the school and on the playground. A volunteer orientation will be held annually at the school to welcome our volunteers and to review guidelines and suggestions for making the volunteer experience one that is fulfilling and rewarding.